Getting Started as a New Agent
By Melissa Evans, REALTOR, ABR, SRS, PSA Welcome to an exciting career! It can take some time and effort to get started as a new agent, but once you’ve built up your business, you’ll enjoy the flexibility and rewards of life as a REALTOR. Now that you’ve completed your [...]
SentriLock Information
SentriLock Access Application & Instructions SentriLock - Coastal Association reciprocity SentriLock - RAYAC Reciprocal Agreement Taking Ownership of a New Lockbox Transfer Lockbox Ownership between Agents MP3 file SentriLock 30 Training How to use Contractor Codes The SentriLock CARD (physical card) was discontinued in March 2022. Download [...]
CSST – Flexible Gas Piping Hazards in Homes.
By Thomas Witt You may have noticed in some homes a newer kind of piping for gas supplies. Yellow jacketed flexible gas pipe known as CSST ( Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing ) has been replacing black steel pipe which has been used for many decades. While CSST has been around [...]
Alan R. Ingraham inducted into the RPAC Hall of Fame
GBBR Chief Executive Officer, Alan R. Ingraham, inducted into the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Hall of Fame, at a National Association of REALTORS® event.
Radon Testing in Baltimore Metro
By Thomas Witt I've been performing radon tests for years in the Metro area as an auxiliary part of a home inspection and probably find an elevated radon level that requires action about 3 out of 10 tests. Certainly we don't have a serious radon problem in our area [...]